Personalised Gifts Fit for a Queen (Mum)

Behold six brand new gifts perfect for the number one Mum (or aunt, grandmother, godmother, pet-mum etc.) in your life. Perfect for Mother’s Day (hint, hint).

Framed prints

Our framed prints are a quick yet elegant way to create display-ready photos and reminders of precious moments spent together. The framed prints come with an easel backing for easy tabletop display and a wall mount, if you’d prefer to hang your special photo. 

Wall-ready personalised framed prints
Framed prints

Canvas sets

Create a simple, chic gallery wall of her favourite family photos with our canvas sets. Our multi-piece slim canvas sets make it easier to fill up a large wall using just one single canvas. 

Gallery wall of personalised canvas prints
Set of 2 Canvas – 8×8″

Photo tile with stand

Personalise your tile with photos or personal artwork (which you can easily photograph and upload into your Snapfish account). A photo tile with easel is a modern, and easy to display on any surface from a counter, table, desk, or mantelpiece. Mum will love it. Bonus points if you use one of your works of art!

Simple and stylish photo tiles with stand
Ceramic Tile With Stand

Personalised round and rectangular tins

A personalised tin box is great for nestling away treasures, packaging homemade sweets, or delighting loved ones as a one-of-a-kind gift box!  Fill ’em up with sweet little surprises or DIY gifts this Mother’s Day to make Mum smile. (She’ll enjoy re-using the tin afterwards.) Available in rectangular and round options.

Personalised tins filled with little gifts and sweets
Personalised Tins

Latte mug

Surprise Mum with her morning coffee in this genuinely unique customised latte mug this Mother’s Day. She’ll feel warm and fuzzy with every sip!

Personalised latte mugs for the perfect caffeine fix
Latte Mug

Retro prints

Retro Prints are the perfect way to showcase favourite photos of you and your children with handwritten comments as a beautiful collage on the wall.

Vintage polaroid prints
Set of Retro Prints

What will you create for Mum this year?

Brighten Up Your Home & Walls With Fresh Canvas Print Designs

Snapfish + Macmillan are working in partnership to raise vital funds. For every greeting card or flat card set sold, Macmillan receive up to 15p.

What did you create on Snapfish? Share it with us on social media! You can tag us with @snapfishuk in your photos on Instagram or Facebook or use the hashtag #snapfishuk. Don’t forget to follow us on YouTube , Twitter and Pinterest, too. We love seeing what you create.

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